The World is an Illusion: What the Hell Does that Mean? ***Warning: Mind-Fuck Alert***
This question is an easy one to pass over lightly, come to an interesting philosophical conclusion, or to repeat without a depth of understanding that is life-fucking-shattering. It can be a scary question to consider as you go deep into the ramifications on what you are and what the world is.
Unless you have suffered deeply in some way, I think most people would rather stay asleep dreaming than go deeply into the question of their own existence and the existence of their personal world.
Well, here we go...
Does anything exist independent of your perception of it? Can you find anything at all in the universe that exists apart from your perception of it?
If you go deeply into this question your mind will be blown like never before. You can never be the same. But don’t worry, you can always roll over and go back to your dream world – after all, you are the dreamer.
Can you know or experience anything at all, anything at all, separate from your perception? Can you find one exception? Can you find one thing, just one thing, anything at all, even one, that exists separate from your perception of it?
If you have found something that exists separate from your perception of it, where does your perception stop, and the thing begin? Is your conclusion that the thing exists independent of your perception, separate from your perception?
Is perception universally the same for all? Is perception different for each?
Consider your personal experience of yourself and your world: When you get 10 people to agree with your perception, does that make it true? When you get 10 million people to agree with your perception, does that make it true? How many people do you need to agree to make your perception true?
Whose perception is true?
There are about 7 billion people on planet earth; and how many billions of other living creatures. Which perception of the world is the true perception of the world? Is there one true perception of the world? Or are there billions and billions (Spoken like Carl Sagan) of different perceptions of the world?
Is there one world that exists independent of the perceiver’s perception of it? Can the world exist independent of the perceiver’s perception?
Is there one real world? So which world is the real world? My world? Your world? The dog’s world? The mosquito’s world. The world of a worm? The world of a tree?
What about Wayne's World? Sha-weeeeing!
If you believe there is one real world that exists independent of the perceiver’s perception – that world is an illusion.
To one who has not considered these questions, and applied his understanding to himself and his world of experience, there appears to be one real world: that world is an illusion.
There is not one “real” world. There are billions and billions of worlds; as each perceiver perceives its world, a unique world is made by his perception. If this isn’t blowing your fucking mind, you are not going into the questions deeply. This realization is a complete mind-fuck. But again, don’t worry, no one can take away your illusory world or your illusory ego-self – you are making them. And you can always make a new one.
Next Blog Post Up: The Purpose of Personal Perception: Why I Make the World the Way I Do
Your world is not made by happenstance, fate, or luck (good or bad). Nor did God make the world. Your world is not happening TO you, but BY you. You make your world to fulfill a purpose. This is the next mind-fuck we will consider.
For now, go back to sleep, your dream characters are calling you… Happy dreams!