Absolute Fucking Liberation

FINISH IT! Be done with it! No mas!
Whatever you are thinking, feeling and experiencing—let it be. If you are trying to change your thoughts, emotions and sensations—you are screwed! Even when your thoughts, emotions and sensations are in accord with what you think they should be—you are FUCKED! Your experience is not going to remain the same! The phone is going to ring, "This is the I.R.S."—you are fucked! It does not matter what your experience is! It does not matter if you are laughing or crying.
All experience is an interpretation of your mind. What I am pointing out to you is beyond your mind. It is beyond your thoughts and emotions—especially your emotions! Emotions are subconscious thoughts and beliefs for the most part. They come up quickly and you feel, "Well, this must be real and true because I can feel it in my stomach and chest!" NO! You feel strong emotions and thoughts because you are conditioned and programmed. And you did not even know you were being programmed as a child and as an adult. Even now—everything you experience is your programming. This is all I can experience—my programming. What else can I experience?
To look for peace and well-being in thoughts, emotions, sensations and experiences—you are FUCKED! To believe the idea, "I get it intellectually, now I need to get it experientially,"—you are FUCKED! Why? Because you will get it experientially, and then you will hear a knock on your door, "We are from the I.R.S. We left a message and you did not return our call!"
Whatever your thoughts, emotions, sensations and experiences are—let them be! Thoughts, emotions, sensations and experiences are not an accurate reflection of who you are. They are not an accurate interpretation of what is happening. And you have no other way to know or experience what is happening apart from thoughts, emotions and sensations. So what are you going to do? Working in the realm of experience you go from one dream to another—the dream of seeking and suffering to the dream of enlightenment—which is even worse!

Believing you are enlightened you will have to live up to some bullshit story you have about your little dream of enlightenment. Now your shit is supposed to smell like roses, right? You are screwed! You will have to run outside and hide when you shit, or people will know you are not enlightened!
YOU ARE DONE—NOW! Finished. No mas. There is no way you could ever prove to yourself that you have got it. You cannot have the thoughts, emotions, sensations or experiences that tell you, "I’ve got it now!" Why? Because there are no such thoughts, emotions, sensations or experiences that are the stamp of approval that says, "I got it!" There is no such stamp of approval. So what are you waiting for? You are waiting for NOTHING!
Hartwell: Wow! We walked right into the lion's den! We are starting off on a high!
Neenah: Sometimes we do have the impression that we are experiencing something outside the box, outside of our conditioning. What is that? You were saying you can only experience your conditioning.
Stephen: Yes. What else can you experience? Find out for yourself. There is no way to know or experience anything apart from your conditioning. If I do not already know what I am experiencing, how can I recognize what I am experiencing?
Neenah: Oh, I see.
Stephen: I would not know what I was experiencing—unless I already knew. How would you recognize the truth when you have found it? "I am looking for the truth my whole life. And now I have found it!" You must have already known it, or how do you know you have found it? You cannot find something that you do not already know. And if you say, "I do not know the truth—I want to find the truth." And then you find the truth and say, "This truth is beyond my conditioning." How can it be? If it is beyond your conditioning you will not be able to recognize it. Recognition is conditioning.
Neenah: Okay, okay. I accept.
Stephen: I am talking to everyone—not only you!
Chara: Do not take it personal!

Stephen: What I am pointing out is absolute freedom from all conditioning. It is freedom from suffering. It is freedom from awakening. It is freedom from enlightenment. It is freedom from all that bullshit. It is not to get it. It is freedom from that bullshit. The freedom I am pointing to is this present moment of aware presence—and you have no fucking way to know what is happening. You have no way to know. How would you know? Unless you have been conditioned and programmed, and you believe you know what is happening—you do not have a fucking clue what is happening!
You do not know where you are. You do not know how you are. You do not know why you are. You do not know where you are going.
How would you know? Now you are free of that shit. Now my mind is open to the freedom of the unknown!
Look at the flickering flame of the candle! That is it! DONE!
It is freezing cold outside. DONE!
Nothing to do—YOU ARE FREE!
Hartwell: Whew! Well, where do you go from here?
Stephen: What I am pointing to is absolute freedom from all experience. This is comprehensive and all inclusive. Now, moment to moment as thoughts, emotions, sensations and stories arise—you are free of all experience. Your experience is not an accurate representation of reality—you have no way to know or experience reality. You experience your own conditioned beliefs. You say, "I know I did not wake up yet. I knew I would not get it. I know I do not understand." What? Wake up from your own bullshit—all of that bullshit! You are already awake—this aware presence here and now.
Your thoughts are not an accurate representation of who you are or what the world is. Your emotions are not an accurate representation of who you are or what the world is. You have no way to know the reality of what is happening apart from your mind—which is delusion. Your reality is delusion. All knowledge and experience is delusion. Whatever you are experiencing is delusion. Delusion is all there is.
Now you are free. Now you experience a lucid dream. Lucid dreaming while awake and lucid dreaming while asleep—all a lucid dream. Whether your eyes are closed and you are unconscious and asleep, or your eyes are open and you are conscious and awake—you are dreaming of the world. Not as a theory—RIGHT NOW. Right now you are experiencing your own programming. Whether you agree or disagree it does not change the fact—you are experiencing your programming and conditioning. And there is no way you can experience anything else. This is why you can let your thoughts and emotions be as they are. Leave them unchanged, unmodified—they are irrelevant.
Once you start trying to change thoughts and emotions, picking and choosing experiences, you are playing in dog shit! You have dog shit emotions, and you say, "I do not like this experience. I want different thoughts and emotions." So you pick up some cat shit. "Now I have cat shit!" Leave it alone! Let it be!
Hartwell: That is funny.
Stephen: This natural perfection is here now and is untainted by dog shit or cat shit. It is present and aware here and now. This is the fundamental truth. Everything else is illusion—so let it be. Leave alone your thoughts, emotions and experiences. If you are looking for better emotions, you are looking for cat shit! You want to switch from dog shit to cat shit: "I want better emotions." Please!
This present moment of aware presence is absolute freedom. Be aware and let it be.
Leave alone your thoughts and feelings—and your relationships—oh, God! "If I could just get my relationships ironed out, then I could live in peace!" Please!

Hartwell: So all the great techniques, and technological consciousness systems—it is all bullshit?
Stephen: What you believe is real and true, you will experience as real and true. If you believe in a system then you will experience the system as real and true. You may have one-hundred steps in your enlightenment system and you believe in it. And now you are on step twelve—that is your experience!
You cannot deny your experience. "I am on step twelve of the one-hundred step awakening system. Boom! Here I am. You cannot tell me I am not. I say I am." So that is your experience. I say it is bullshit! I do not care what anybody says, "Well, you are only on step forty-two." Fuck you! There are no steps!
Sven: The steps are imaginary.
Stephen: Yes. WAKE UP!
Either you believe your thoughts, emotions, sensations and experiences are an accurate representation of the truth of who you are—or you do not. There is no grey area. Now you realize you have no way to know or experience anything directly. Everything you know and experience is a reflection of your conditioning and programming. You cannot know or experience anything at all apart from your conditioning. Everything you know and experience was programmed in previously. There is no freedom in knowledge and experience. There is no freedom in your conditioning and programming. There is no freedom in your thoughts, emotions, sensations and experiences. There is no freedom in dog shit and cat shit!
Freedom is beyond knowledge and experience. Freedom is beyond thoughts, emotions, sensations and experience. Freedom is beyond the mind. Freedom is beyond your world of experience.
Now you have seen through the movement of mind and emotion. You have seen through the mental and emotional stories that were playing in your head about who you are—in your relationships, your career and your whole life situation. All those mental and emotional stories are false. Not one of those stories can define or describe who you are or what the world is—not one of those stories is true. Not one!
Do you see and feel how absolutely liberating this is? There is nothing your mind can tell you about yourself that is true. NOTHING! So, now what are you going to do? How and what are you going to seek? How will you know when you have attained?
End of story! Now you are absolutely free—you are beyond knowledge and experience. You are absolutely liberated from all thought, emotion and sensation. Now you are absolutely liberated from all of the human experience. You are absolutely liberated from the tyranny of me—me-myself-and-I. Now you are free of the tyranny of mind—the bullshit of mind.
Vidal: Why do you use the word liberated?

Stephen: Bondage is when the mind believes in and suffers over its own stories about 'me' and the world. Right now, if your mind believes that the thoughts and emotions arising in you are an accurate description of who you are, then the mind is bound by its own limiting beliefs—the mind is bound by itself—and it suffers.
Liberation is when the mind realizes its own ignorance. Liberation is when the mind realizes its own limits. Liberation is when the mind realizes that all its knowledge is false—and this realization is the highest knowledge! Now you are beyond knowledge and experience. Now you are absolutely liberated from all knowledge and experience. Now you are beyond the mind—absolutely free! THIS is liberation.
Now, I am present and aware. I know all objects of awareness are my own mind—and my own mind knows it is CLUELESS!
What I am, this aware presence, is looking out through these eyes, looking out through everyone’s eyes. What is looking out through those eyes right now? There is something looking out through those eyes, listening through those ears, sensing through that body—what is this? This is the fundamental truth of what we are.
We can call it awareness or consciousness. Awareness is like space. It is not a thought. What is aware of thought? It is not an emotion. What is aware of emotion? It is not an experience. What is aware of experience? I am this space-like awareness that is aware of everything.
What I am—this aware space—is absolutely liberated. This aware space never had a problem. What I am is liberation—this aware space that is looking out through these eyes. The space between you and I is the space of consciousness. This space is free.
The space of this room is not affected by the flickering flame of the candle, or whether people are in this space or not. There is space here. This is the space of what I am—this aware presence. And it has always been free and liberated.
As this consciousness, it is impossible to have a problem—unless the mind believes in a problem. When the mind questions its own beliefs: "Is this a problem? How do I know it is a problem? I do not have a clue! I do not know what a problem is!" And when this mind says there is a problem—I know that it is not true. I know that this mind has interpreted something as being a problem and it seeks an idea for a solution. This mind believes in suffering, it believes in seeking, and it believes in the attainment of enlightenment—all bullshit. This aware space does not need to be enlightened. This consciousness that is here now has no problem, was never seeking, and can never attain anything. It does not matter what comes into this aware space that I am—it is all bullshit!
Vidal: And so that is only true when you are aware of consciousness, or this space?
Stephen: When the mind believes there are limiting conditions for liberation, the mind experiences those limiting conditions as if they are real! When the mind believes, for example, that liberation only happens when there is awareness of consciousness—however you phrased it...
Vidal: Awareness of awareness.
Stephen: So the mind has the idea that liberation is dependent on awareness being aware of awareness. That idea was arising in the space that you are. If that idea was believed, it was your experience. But I am telling you—that idea is bullshit.
Vidal: But I am not sure if it is an idea or an experience.

Stephen: An idea is an experience—there is no difference. You experience your ideas. Right now there is awareness of those ideas. This aware presence is the truth of what I am—and I am absolutely free. This is the fundamental truth. The idea that you have about awareness being aware of awareness is bullshit. It is not the fundamental truth. It is fundamental bullshit. This aware space that you are is already absolutely liberated. This aware space that you are is the same as the space of this room.
If the limiting ideas you have about yourself are believed to be real and true, you will experience them as real and true. If there is a belief that awareness must be aware of awareness to be liberated, then you will live your whole day in a nightmare. "I must be aware of awareness so I can be free someday." It is bullshit.
Vidal: So I am always present—would you say?
Stephen: There is awareness here now. This is the fundamental truth. Various spiritual traditions have referred to this present moment of awareness as the fundamental truth. They say the fundamental truth of what we are, is consciousness, and consciousness is all there is—awareness is all there is, this basic space of phenomena, this cognizing emptiness. The various traditions use different terms. Is there awareness here now? So use whatever term you want from any tradition.
There is awareness here now and this is referred to as the fundamental truth. Everything you are experiencing is not the fundamental truth—it is fundamental bullshit! And you have no way to know or experience anything else. Everything you are experiencing is bullshit. Everything you are thinking is bullshit. Everything you are feeling emotionally is bullshit. It is not the truth. Now you realize this is absolute fucking liberation. Why? Because you are free of all knowledge and experience!
If freedom, peace and love are dependent on anything at all—you are fucked! If it is dependent on some emotion, thought or experience—you are screwed. Because thoughts, emotions and experiences are always changing and they are not the fundamental truth. Thoughts, emotions, sensations, and experiences are always changing. If you are relying on an experience to live in peace, you are screwed because your experience will change. But something is aware here how. Is this changing at all?
You can work and play in the realm of psychology, or be done with the whole fucking thing. Psychology has its place. Working in the realm of mind—working with thoughts, emotions, beliefs and relationships has its place. But beyond the realm of mind is absolute freedom and absolute liberation from all psychology. Liberation from all movements of mind—thought, emotion, sensation and experience—is this timeless presence here and now. Here and now, what can you say about yourself? Describe yourself. Define yourself. Tell me about your mental and emotional state—right now! Without referring to the past or projecting into the future—what is the problem? There is awareness here now. Let everything be as it is, and stop trying to change dog shit into cat shit! Let it be. This is absolute liberation.
In a very practical way, as you are going about your day—this is very practical—you may begin to laugh inside at everything that is happening because you know it is a dream. Your daily experience is dream-like. Even now, this seems real, but you know it is a dream. You can call it a lucid dream. Your experience now is a real, lucid dream. You know that you do not know, and yet you are experiencing each moment as if you know. Your experience right now is a lucid dream.

As each experience arises, you are laughing inside. Even when there is an experience of being upset, you are laughing inside because you know that you do not know. And you know that ‘you’ are not upset. It is like having a tiny splinter: "Ow! That hurts." But you know it is not a serious problem—it is only a splinter. And the same is true of all experience—it does not matter. You can take the most extreme experience: The doctor could come and tell me, "You are going to die. You have three weeks to live." I do not fucking care. What difference does it make? Hook me up to a morphine pump—and let it be!
Neena: You do not have conditioning?
Stephen: Conditioning is all I have! I have no way to experience the world apart from my conditioning. The world is my conditioning!
Neena: You would probably experience the fear, and as you said you would have a different relationship with it.
Stephen: I do not care about birth or death.
Neena: It will probably kick in but you would not…
Stephen: I could care less. I feel like I am living a dream. My whole life is a dream. Now I take it seriously—I pay the bills, I pay my taxes, I go shopping for food. But I know this is all a fucking joke! There is no independent existence. There is no independent Stephen Wingate. Stephen Wingate is a fucking joke! A joke that I was programmed and conditioned to believe in as who I am—I am not that! Stephen Wingate is an experience that I was programmed and conditioned to believe. We are all programmed and trained to believe that we are limited, separate people. You know this in your own experience. That separate person is not who I am.
There is no independent existence. Whatever created this earth that we live on also created this body and all these bodies. The earth is alive. These bodies have no independent existence. They do not have their own life. They do not have their own thoughts. There is no one in there thinking their own thoughts. There is no one in there who has her own thoughts. The universe is expressing itself and thinking thoughts! You are the universe!
Neena: I see that. And I think that fear thoughts would come if somebody told me within this dream that I was going to die in three weeks.

Stephen: I am aware of everything that is happening and I do not care what is happening. I do not care if there is fear, and I do not care if there is acceptance. But I will tell you—I do not give a fuck. What difference does it make? It makes no difference! There is no Stephen Wingate. The universe is alive! The Universe is alive! This heart is the universal heart—beating. There is no independent existence. When this body dies, whatever makes this heart beat will make it beat in another form. And when the earth is gone, a new planet will form and express itself. I am Universal Life. What I am was not born in 1961. Stephen Wingate was born in 1961. Not me. I do not give a fuck about Stephen Wingate. I am Universal Life—infinite, eternal, universal life.
Six billion years ago, there was no earth. These bodies are made up of elements of the earth. Six billion years ago there was no earth, no sun, no solar system—and yet here we are. Now, what is expressing itself? What is thinking thoughts? What is feeling emotions? The universe! It is alive! The universe is alive and I am that life! If I worry about this one little expression of life, what a fucking joke! I am Universal Life! Am I going to worry about Stephen Wingate? I am fucked! No, thank you! For forty some-odd years there was nothing but Stephen Fucking Wingate!
It sucks living like that! And it is a fucking joke! It is not even true! There is no independent life. There is no independent existence. The universe is alive—I am that life. It does not matter how or when this body dies. What difference does it make? This body is as good as dead already! How quick have forty years gone by? In the blink of an eye! And another forty—gone! What happened? Nothing happened!
Unless I sit down with a piece of paper and write it out: "I am Stephen Wingate. I am this. I am that." If I believe the story and write a whole book about myself—that sucks! No, thank you! Finished! Be finished with yourself. You are infinite eternal universal life—never born and will never die. To worry about this little body is a pathetic and petty little nuisance.
Hartwell: So, if you get caught up, just enjoy the show, right?
Stephen: There is nobody getting caught up! It is not happening. I know it is not happening. In the moment, you can say, "Oh, I feel like I am getting caught up right now." In that moment, it feels like I am getting really caught up. No, I am not! Thoughts and emotions are not an accurate description of what is happening. If I take one series of thoughts, emotions, sensations or experiences and say, "This is true. I am getting caught up right now," I am screwed! When are you going to get caught up? Reality is just THIS—here and now! You do not have time! To say, "I am getting caught up," is a projection of mind looking into the past and projecting into the future—it is all bullshit!
Just NOW is the truth of what you are! You can leave alone your thoughts, emotions, sensations and your perceptions of experience—because they are bullshit! They are not an accurate representation of who you are or what is happening. As soon as you say, "I am getting caught up," there you go! As soon as you believe one thought about yourself, you are screwed. The whole movement of mind is a dream—or it is all real. If you were really getting caught up, you need to stop it! Stop getting caught up all the time. Jesus! There I go again! What an asshole I am! Trying to stop getting caught up is being caught up!

As soon as you believe one thought, one description, you are screwed! This is absolute freedom—absolute liberation. Nothing can limit you. NOTHING! You cannot be defined. No thought can describe or define who you are. No emotion, no story can describe or define who you are. Nothing! If you believe one little thought and say, "This is true," you have built a false, fucking foundation. "I am getting caught up!" There is your foundation—built of dog shit! "I am getting caught up all the time. I want to stop getting caught up so I can have cat shit!" Getting caught up never happened! It never happened!
If this mind believes, "Yes, I am getting caught up now," then it is experienced. And then what happens when you get caught up? You have to stop getting caught up! Now you are going to switch from dog shit to cat shit! You still stink! You stink either way! Be free of the whole fucking thing! Nothing, nothing can touch you! Nothing! No thought, no emotion, no sensation, no experience. You are absolutely free already, like this space. If this space says, "I can have no candles burning in me or I am screwed," guess what? The space has to run and hide, "Ohhh, they lit the candle, they lit the candle, they lit the candle! There is smoke in here. No, oh God!" And when we blow out the candle the space can say, "Ahh, now I am free! Now I am free!" And the next time we light the candle— "Ahharghhhhh!"
The space of this room is absolutely free and independent of all experience. Experience is irrelevant. Light the candle, blow out the candle. Ten people in this space, no people in this space—this space is absolutely free. This is what I am, this space. This is what we are. If one thought about yourself is believed to be real and true—you are screwed. You are off into your own little dream world—off into a self-created nightmare!
Right now, there is nothing you can say about yourself that is true. Nothing! "I got it. I haven't got it. I understand it intellectually, but it is not my experience…" BULLSHIT! It is all bullshit! If you believe one of those thoughts, you are screwed because then you are off into an imaginary story. "It is not my experience. I understand it intellectually, but it is not my experience…" If that is believed, guess what you have to do? You have to make it your experience. How are you going to do that? "Well, I can meditate and…" FOR WHAT? To change dog shit into cat shit?! BE FREE OF ALL THAT SHIT!
Now, no thought can describe the truth of who you are. No emotion can describe the truth of who you are. No experience can describe the truth of who you are—now what is left? Now tell me about yourself. Tell me about your state. Tell me about your problem and your need of some solution. Tell me!
The thought arises: "I get it intellectually, but not experientially." What?! That is meaningless blather! What to do with those thoughts? [Motioning with the hands as if tossing the thoughts up in the air, and then loading and firing a gun] Click-click—BOOM!
Done! And if tomorrow you say: "Oh! Now I get it experientially. I can feeeel it." What to do with those thoughts? Click-click—BOOM! Nothing!
No thought, no emotion, no sensation, no experience can describe the truth of who I am. "Oh, I am awakened now." Oh really? Click-click—BOOM!
No! Nothing!
Chara: That cleans up a lot of stuff!
Hartwell: That is so funny.
Stephen: So now you want to help someone else to be free? How are you going to do it? You tell them—you do not have any problems and you do not need any solutions. And they will piss and moan and say, "No, I have tons of problems…" All right—go solve them!

In your daily experience and in a very practical way, as soon as you wake up in the morning, if you are like me or most people, you wake up and your mind starts chattering. I know for myself the mind starts going pretty fast. I do not know if yours does, but my mind starts telling me who I am and what I have to do. In the past, it used to be hell—because I believed it!
You can imagine the freedom when you know that your mind-stories are bullshit! You wake up and the mind says, "You are an idiot. You are a worthless asshole! And you are going to have a suck day." Really? That is a funny one!
The thoughts and emotions that are arising right now describing who you are—they continue arising. Either you believe them or you do not. I do not. I do not believe them. So, what do I need to change? Do I need to change dog shit into cat shit?
What I am, here and now, is this natural perfection. I cannot have a problem. I am present and aware here and now. This is the fundamental truth. This is our anchor to the truth—our anchor to reality.
Something is listening through these ears, shining through these eyes, sensing through this body. Something is aware of hearing. Something is aware of seeing. Something is aware of the energy of your body. You can feel the energy of your body now. There is awareness of all that is happening now. You can feel your body now. You can hear these words now. There is this presence of awareness here now—and this is the fundamental truth. It is always with you, as you. It is always with you, as you—no matter what your mind is saying. No matter what your emotions are saying. No matter what the sensations of your body are telling you, "No, this is real. This is true. You need to take action" No—I do not. I AM DONE!
Now you can see, feel and understand—this is absolute liberation and freedom—right now!
Jethro: I have to ask this question: So, you are walking down the street and a truck is coming your way, and you are standing in the middle of the road. It is all bullshit. But the truck is still coming. You will still get out of the way. In that sense you believe the thought, "The truck is coming." If you do not believe the thought, the truck runs over you. So, how does that reconcile and fit with what you have been saying?
Stephen: I am saying that everything is happening naturally and spontaneously. There are natural responses that do not involve mental or emotional interpretation at all. The biological organism responds naturally. So, as the truck comes down the road toward me, there is no need to say, "The truck is bullshit. I am bullshit. Nothing is happening. It is all bullshit." I get out of the fucking way! This is a natural biological response!
To turn what I am saying into a philosophy and then try to run your life by it is absurd. "Okay, if a truck is coming, hmm…should I say it is bullshit? If I really believe it is bullshit, I will just let it hit me, won’t I?" If a truck is driving toward you, or a tiger is coming your way—you do not have to think, "Now, this non-dual philosophy…umm…I know that all is one—the tiger is me and I am the tiger. So, should I let him eat me?" You run!
If you turn what I am saying into a philosophy, you are back into the bullshit story again. Even non-dual philosophy is a bullshit story! Non-dual analysis is not required to respond naturally in your daily life. Everything is happening naturally and spontaneously. Everything is on autopilot—even running out of the way of a truck.
Now, for this to be your own experience in a very practical way in your daily life, when thoughts and emotions arise—be aware and let them be. Just do it! Put an end to the cycle of turning dog shit into cat shit. Let it be—puts an end to that cycle. In the past the habit was to try to manipulate, control and mould our unacceptable thoughts, emotions and experiences into acceptable thoughts, emotions and experiences. That was the old habit in the past.
Now, in a very practical way, when thoughts, emotions and sensations arise in you, a new habit can form. Rather than trying to mould dog shit into cat shit, you can be aware and let everything be as it is. Now you know that your thoughts, emotions, and sensations are not an accurate reflection of the truth of who you are. They are not true. So, let them be. Now you are no longer playing in the world of dog shit and cat shit. You are free. You are beyond. Be aware and let it be. Now you know yourself as this aware presence that is always free—always has been free and always will be free.

And the old habit dies—the old habit of trying to manipulate and control thoughts, emotions, relationships, career and finances. Thoughts and emotions continue to arise, but now you see them in a new light, and from a new perspective. Now you know the truth of who you are. You are free. Now you are free to play. Peace and well-being are unconditional. Now you know yourself as being grounded in this peace and well-being that you are. Unconditional peace and well-being are always with you, as you—present and aware—like this space. Wherever you are, there is space around you. This is the space of freedom that I am.
Now, it becomes easier and easier to let thoughts, emotions and experiences be as they are. It becomes easier and easier because you know that you are unconditional love. You are unconditional peace and well-being. Now you can play in the world of mind, emotions and sensations. It is all a play. Your life has a smooth-flowing, easy, misty quality—a dream-like quality.
Now you are free to play in the dream—this lucid dream. Even when you are experiencing this dream as if it is real, there is lightness in your daily experience. You cannot take things seriously for long. Even as you are taking it seriously you are laughing inside: "God damn it!" And inside you are laughing!