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Notes on ACIM by Stephen Wingate

A Course in Miracles on Love

Updated: Jun 30, 2021

A Course in Miracles on Love

Full awareness of the Atonement is the full awareness in our experience that we are absolutely whole and complete, in and as God's unconditional love.

The Atonement principle states that the separation from God’s love and wholeness never happened. And we are all perfectly united within the Mind and love of God. Having and being, giving and receiving are all one and are not separate. We have the love of God because we are the love of God. And giving the love of God is receiving the love of God because we are all one in God.

You are a child of love in truth, not a child of the ego.

God's laws are of perfect unity, love and eternal life. And His laws are inviolate, except in your imagination.

When you identify with God's love, His love is extended through you. When you identify with the ego's separation, sin, guilt and fear, they are projected through you. In Heaven joy is our eternal state.

You cannot experience the love of God if you exclude even one person.

To know and experience the love and peace of God, we cannot separate our brothers into good people and bad people. God's love is unconditional and all inclusive. To maintain its existence the ego needs "bad" people onto whom it can project its guilt, and "good' people who serve to reflect its face of innocence.

Love does not impose; it reminds patiently. We must make the choice to be guided by the Holy Spirit and God, or the ego, because we are free to choose.

How do we facilitate healing, and correct errors and foolish behavior in our brothers? Our only function in the world is to accept the Atonement for ourselves. Accepting the Atonement for ourselves is accepting forgiveness and the love of God for ourselves. Knowing we are forgiven and loved is our only function in the world. Knowing we are forgiven and loved, the love of God naturally extends through us to the whole Sonship.

The way to facilitate healing in others is to be healed yourself. You are healed by accepting the Atonement for yourself. The first step toward accepting the Atonement for yourself is forgiveness of your brothers, because your brothers are your projections of yourself.

Forgiveness of one is forgiveness of all. We are one Son in truth, and we are one ego in the illusion. We share our true Identity with God, and we share our false identity with the ego. We have one shared interest: to wake up to the truth of our oneness with God. We suffer from the same illusion: the lie of our separation from God. My only function in the world is to forgive and accept the love of God for myself and as myself.

In our deluded mind we are able to believe that we can be outside the law of love, but believing does not make it true. It is within our power to deny the love of God, or choose again for the Holy Spirit and God's love and wholeness.

The memory of God's love is in our right mind.

This Course is an organized, structured plan that helps us look at the ego thought system and undo the blocks to our experience of God's perfect love.

Love is the one and only judgment and response of the Holy Spirit. By choosing the Holy Spirit as our guide, love becomes our one and only response to all our brothers in the world we made.

The love and peace of the Holy Spirit and the Atonement are always with us, but to experience God's love and peace we must accept them. When we choose to identify with the ego we experience the ego's fear and conflict.

True love is absolute, unconditional and all inclusive. Only God's love is true. The ego's "love" is relative, conditional and exclusive. The ego's love is not love at all; it is but hate hidden behind the mask of specialness. When it is betrayed, its mask is withdrawn and its true face of hate and murder is revealed.

Bringing the darkness of the ego's sin, guilt and fear to the light of the Holy Spirit's forgiveness, innocence and love is a correction for the ego's attempt to keep the darkness from the light. The darkness represents the separation. The light represents the Atonement - God's perfect love.

The one meaning, one emotion and one purpose for our lives is love.

Where there is no love, put it, and there you will find it. The expressions of fear, anger, and hate are calls for love. Everything is either an expression of love or a call for love. Therefore your response is always the same: love.

Seeking for love in other people is a futile and fruitless endeavor. We made other people as a projection of our sin and guilt. There is no love in them. Love is found only in our relationship with God. The ego loves when we seek for love in other people because we are following the ego's edict to "seek but do not find!" When we find the love of God in our mind, the ego is no more.

Until we are aware of the true source of perfect love which is God in Heaven, we will continue to seek for special love in this hell we made and call the world. Love that is freely given and shared is unknowable in the world you made.

Hate is a symptom of fear, and fear is a call for love. All communication and behavior is either an expression of love or a call for love — this is the vision of the Holy Spirit, and ours in the holy instant.

True love is in our identity with spirit. There is no love in the body or the world. The body and world are made specifically to block love. This is why we experience so much pain and suffering in our search for love in the world of bodies: love is not there! The Holy Spirit guides us to the true source of love by gently turning us away from the ego, body and world, and to the eternal love of Christ — our true Identity with God.

The real world is the reflection of the love of God in the right mind of the Son.

Love is all inclusive; it excludes no one. If even one person is excluded; past, present or future; it is not love. If your love is special, it is not love but fear and hate. Be not deceived by a special love that is in fact veiled hate.

Love is absolute, unconditional, all inclusive, and excludes no one.

Everyone in the world is either expressing love or calling for love. Expressions of hate are really expressions of the fear of loss of the special separate ego-self, which is ultimately a desperate call for the wholeness and love of God. Some people express fear in socially acceptable ways; others in socially unacceptable ways. But all of us are either expressing love or calling for love.

The vision of Christ sees everyone as the same. We all share the same insanity of the illusory ego, and we share the same perfect love in our Identity with God.

There is an eternal song of love playing in our mind, and though faint, is easily recalled as we listen closely to its soft melody.

Your true creations are love. It is love we seek and love that calls us Home.

From the PDF Book - Notes on the Text of ACIM Condensed Version by Stephen Wingate

Paperback Available on Amazon - Condensed Version

Paperback Available on Amazon - Full Version

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