A Course In Miracles On The Real World
The result of learning this Course is peace. When the result of learning is fully generalized to include all situations, we have realized the perfect peace of the real world. The real world is the borderland between the illusory world we made and the Truth of Heaven. The real world is where true perception meets the Knowledge of God. The real world is the reflection of heaven in the world. To be in the real world is to be in the world, but not of it. The real world is the state of mind of perfect peace, love and wholeness. The acceptance of the Atonement is the realization of the real world.
The separation never happened — this is the Atonement principle. The Holy Spirit does not see our sin, hate, pettiness or guilt because the Holy Spirit knows the truth of who we are. By identifying with the Holy Spirit we look with His vision and see the real world.
We are in the state of mind called the real world when we realize the truth of who we are is beyond the dream of separation, beyond the illusory world of duality, beyond time and space at the doorway to Heaven. The real world is the reflection of Heaven in which all is one. The real world is the end of the journey; before God takes us back Home.
The real world and the illusory world of separation are mutually exclusive. Love and fear are irreconcilable.
When you know you are God's love, you will see God's love in your brothers. You are what you see. You see what you are. There is no separation.
The fundamental concept from which the whole universe arises is: "I am a separate individual self apart from God and apart from the world." That is the concept that must be unlearned so the truth of who we are can reveal Itself to a free and open mind.
Everything you see out in the world, you have projected from within; there is no separate, objective world. The good and evil you see in your brothers are your own projections. When you reject and condemn your brothers, you are rejecting and condemning yourself. When you accept and forgive your brothers, you are accepting and forgiving yourself. If you believe you are guilty, you will find guilt in your brothers.
The entire world of hate, fear, anger, conflict, and war is a projection of your deep, dark secret of guilt over the sin of separation you believe you committed against God.
Everything in the world you made is equally illusory: A hang nail, a cold, or cancer; a mild annoyance, a conflict, or the Third World War; there is no hierarchy of illusions. The love of God is true; all else is false. There is no order of difficulty in miracles.
There is no hierarchy in the Sonship. Jesus is not different from us. His mind is no more powerful than ours; he simply chose to identify with the Mind of Christ, and we can make the same choice. When we do, we awaken from the dream, accept the resurrection, and we are in what the Course calls the “real world.” The real world is a state of mind and is the reflection of the reality of Heaven in the world, but is not reality itself. When we realize that the world is a dream, and we know ourselves beyond the dream, we are in the real world.
Those who are always fully aware of the power of the mind are living in the real world and are Self Realized.
Love, Holiness and Truth are not of the world, but they are reflected here through the innocent mind, and realized in the holy instant.
What is true is everything that teaches me to forgive, accept, unite and love. What is false is everything that teaches me to blame, reject, separate and fear. Any act that breeds exclusiveness — special love or special hate — keeps me asleep in my nightmare. Any act that engenders inclusiveness helps me awaken from my nightmare to the peace of the real world and ultimately to the truth of my Identity with Christ. The purpose of the dream world we made is to awaken from it!
The forgiven world is a synonym for the real world.
Once we believe in the original separation from God, the whole universe is projected and seen as separate fragments unrelated to the whole. The entire universe arises out of the one original thought of separation from God. This is why there is no order of difficulty in miracles, and no hierarchy of illusions; by healing the one original illusory thought of separation, the whole universe is healed — in your mind.
The original error of separation is in the mind, and is projected out making the world, and making the world appear to be divided and in need of healing. But the healing can only take place at the source of separation and sickness, which is in the mind. The body and world cannot be healed and united because they are not sick or divided. Seeking for love and healing in the world or for the world is to seek endlessly in darkness for nothing. The world does not exist apart from the mind that made it. The mind must be healed, not the body or world.
There is a gentle shift from the ego's nightmare, to the happy dream, and on to our awakening to the real world.
The Holy Spirit is with us eternally. When we are experiencing conflict we are to ask the Holy Spirit to help us see through the light of His eyes. Through the vision of the Holy Spirit all is forgiven; the Atonement is accepted and we move on to the real world. And finally we reach the end of the journey which never began.
As vision takes the place of judgment, our nightmares change to happy dreams, and we begin to experience the peace of the real world just before the gates of Heaven.
"Seek not to change the world, but seek to change your mind about the world." Your mind is the world. There is no world apart from your mind, and no other mind apart from your mind. The world does not need to be saved; only your mind needs to be saved. Do not try to save the world you made in your mind.
Our relationships and our world are to be used as a classroom to reflect back to us what we believe in our mind and have projected out onto others and the world. As we become aware of the sin and guilt in our mind it can be forgiven and healed.
The ego's world is temporal. The Kingdom of God is eternal.
You cannot trust anyone because you believe you were born in sin, separation and selfishness; and you have projected your sin, separation and selfishness onto all your brothers — how can you trust them when you have condemned yourself, their maker? The world you made and live in is an abysmal battleground projected from your mind where you believe the original battle was won in the separation from your Creator. And in the world you made you are all alone; brotherless and Fatherless.
The one purpose of the world is to heal God's Son of the belief in separation and specialness through forgiveness and the Atonement. Who is God's Son? I am — God's Son is me. I see everything in my daily life as an opportunity to learn this lesson and fulfill this purpose. No longer does the world serve the purpose of keeping me asleep in the nightmare of specialness.
Realizing there is no hope for love, peace and happiness in the world we made, we are ready to turn within and ask for another way.
We are to be aware of the ego's inclination to hold onto specialness, sin, guilt and fear; and we are to continue to turn to the Holy Spirit for healing, forgiveness and Atonement. The Holy Spirit helps us fulfill our function by transforming all specialness to holiness. In holiness everyone wins and no one loses; this is the test of true perception and the dawning of the real world in our experience.
The real world is the borderland beyond the dream world we made, yet before the gates of Heaven. The "transition" is from the dream world we made to the real world and on to Heaven. The Course's formula simply put is this: "We see the face of Christ in our brother and we remember God." In the section of the Text, "For They Have Come," we see this articulated wonderfully.
To maintain its innocence and its special separate existence, the ego needs a villain to blame, hate, attack and punish. This applies to us as individuals, social groups, political groups, religious groups, and nation states; we need someone or some group onto whom we can project our unconscious self-disdain, sin and guilt. If this Course does not make you feel uncomfortable you are probably not reading it. It is crucial to look within at our own unconscious guilt and shame whose root lies in the belief in our original, sinful separation from God. By bringing our dark, unconscious guilt to the light of awareness, it can be healed. If it is left in the dark it will continue to fester, you will continue to suffer, but you will not know why; so you will blame the "villains, betrayers and evil doers;" all characters in the dream world you made. Is it time for us to wake up from this self-made nightmare?
It is crucial to allow the Holy Spirit to complete its function of forgiveness in all of your special relationships, and in every nook and cranny of your mind. Without complete forgiveness you will continue to suffer. Many people hear the statement, "The world is an illusion, God is the only reality," and do not take the step of allowing the Holy Spirit to complete its process of helping them to forgive all of their illusions of sin and guilt; and then they wonder why they are still suffering. Citing metaphysical truths is not proof of understanding. Proof rests in the experience of perfect peace, unconditional love, and the absence of suffering.
There is no order of difficulty in miracles. There is one problem: the belief in separation from God; and one solution: the realization of the Atonement. All problems in your dream world have one cause and one solution. If the one cause is not resolved, your problems will recur in a new form.
The real world is the reflection of the love of God in the right mind of the Son.
The real world is the state of awakening from the nightmare of separate existence and identification with a body in the dream world.
The culmination of the process of forgiveness ushers in the real world.
Our problem is not what is happening in the world, but the eyes through which we interpret what is happening in the world. Seeing through the eyes of the ego, the world is a dangerous, frightful battleground. From above the battleground, looking with the vision of the Holy Spirit, the world is a passing show, a harmless comedy.
The world of separation and sin we made and live in is a reflection of the original sin of separation within our mind. The original sin of separation from God is an illusion, as is the world of sin and separation we made. When we realize the sin of separation from God and the world is illusory, the ego dissolves along with the world we made. And what remains is the real world, the reflection of Heaven in the healed mind.
The miracle undoes the ego's mistaken belief in the sin of separation and guilt, thereby undoing the blocks to the truth of our Identity with the wholeness of God. The miracle facilitates our awakening from the nightmare of separation. The miracle does not create the real world or the truth of our Identity with Christ, but removes the obstacles to our experience of the real world and our awareness of the love of God.
By returning to the holy instant more and more throughout your day, you are able to rise above the battleground you call your body and world, and realize the truth of your eternal Self; that is the miracle and the purpose of this Course.
The ego's world and linear time are the projection of sin, guilt and fear. Sin is the past. Guilt is the present. Fear is the future. As sin is forgiven, guilt and fear are dissolved; and the world and linear time are collapsed into the timeless holy instant of the real world.
The real world is the state of mind that realizes the body and world are illusory projections of mind whose only purpose is forgiveness and Atonement which lead us beyond the world to the oneness of Heaven.
In the world we made, all roads to happiness lead to suffering and death.
The "You" who is your Self as the Son of God, the decision maker, the dreamer who makes the ego-self, body and world, is the "You" to whom the whole Course is addressed; the "You" who chooses between the ego's guilt and the Holy Spirit's innocence.
Your world is your state of mind. In the state of sin and guilt, your world is the illusory world. In the state of forgiveness and innocence, your world is the real world.
Forgiveness is the bridge that leads us from our perception of the world of separate bodies, to the true perception of the real world.
From the PDF Book - Notes on the Text of ACIM Condensed Version by Stephen Wingate
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