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The Universal Realization of Mystics and Scientists – What a Relief

Stephen Wingate

It's amazing to see scientists and mystics coming to the same conclusion about the nature of the universe, of life, of reality of who or what we are. We're in an amazing time in terms of communications. Scientists and mystics are sharing their realizations and experiences on the internet and on television in high definition! We can sit in our own living room and communicate with mystics and scientists. We are in an amazing time, there's quite a change happening – and I think it's really good.

When astrophysicists talk about the time prior to the formation of the universe, our solar system, our amazing, blue planet, and the human species, it provides a great perspective as to who we are. And it becomes comical when we realize how silly some of the little things we worried about were. Scientists appeal to the scientific domain of our mind, the rational, intellectual mind, and can facilitate the realization of what we are – I am infinite, eternal, universal life. It’s so obvious.

Scientists know it scientifically, and logically. Mystics know it intuitively and experientially. It’s amazing how they come to the same conclusion. Which approach we find more appealing (or both) may be due to how we're wired in terms of our brain function. Some of us are more logical, “left-brained;” and some of us are more intuitive, “right-brained.” When we combine the two, it's a powerful way to provide some perspective as to who or what we are. We are infinite, eternal, universal life. There's no way we could separate ourselves from universal life – it’s impossible.

The universe is alive and I am that life.

How can I possibly separate my life from universal life? When was universal life born? There’s the “big bang” theory; what was there prior to the big bang? There had to be something, at least in the form of potential, to bring the universe as we know it into being. What was there prior to the big bang? I was; I am. I am the infinite potential, the essence of all life – infinite, eternal, universal life.

My life was never born. My life will never die. Life never began – it can never end.

Now, the expressions of universal life begin and end. This body was born; this body will die. If I define myself and identify myself with this body, I’m as good as dead already because this body is a temporary expression. The human experience is a temporary experience. The human experience began; the human experience will end – just like the dinosaurs.

If I take myself to be a human being, I’m temporary, short-lived, subject to birth and death.

But I know I existed prior to the birth of this body, prior to the birth of this earth; prior to the birth of the universe.

I am infinite, eternal, universal life; the essence of all that is – and the source of all that is. And I’m expressing myself in an infinite variety of shapes and forms. The universe is alive and I am that life. There’s only that life, that’s all there is. The earth doesn’t have any separate life apart from universal life; and there’s no way any of us have any separate life apart from universal life.

I am infinite, eternal universal life, that’s all there is. What a relief!

The human experience is a temporary experience. So, there’s a new perspective on my daily experience. There’s a sense of relief knowing I’m playing a game that does not involve life and death. When I’m playing a game – soccer, football, basketball or playing bingo; whatever I’m playing, I know it’s a game! So, I can enjoy it. It doesn’t matter if I win or lose! It’s all a game, and it’s temporary.

This body, all these bodies are temporary. They’re temporary appearances of the infinite – I am the infinite. When this game is over, I’ll play another game! I don’t care if I lose at Bingo; then I’ll play Canasta; I’ll play Rummy. I’ll play another game. When the earth is over so what? It doesn’t matter – I am infinite, eternal, universal life; I’ll express in another form.

What a relief!



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