YOUR PERSONAL EXPERIENCE is made up by what you believe you know about yourself (who or what am I?) and what you believe you know about the world as it relates to who or what you believe you are.
It is really good to know what you are experiencing –- good or bad, happy or sad etc. – because your experience is telling you what you truly believe about yourself and your world. Your personal experience is a perfect reflection of what you really believe you know. There is no experience, none at all, independent of what you believe you know – the only reality is the absolute, pure awareness that is absolutely real. Everything else is imagined, and is true only relatively because you believe in the world of experience you have made.
If you want, you can try an experiment to see how quickly you can make your intellectual understanding of these principles become experiential.
Self-Knowledge is the cause; Personal experience is the effect.
Once you really get the feel of the fact that only the absolute is true (awareness, consciousness, the witnessing presence) you can experiment and observe how your personal experience is being made by the beliefs, thoughts, imaginings, and expectations you hold in your mind.
If you want, I am happy to help with these fundamental principles and their application.
– Do you feel you have a solid understanding of these principles?
– Do you understand the process by which your everyday, personal experience is being made?
– Can you explain it to someone in simple terms? Or write it out for yourself?
Once you feel you have a solid understanding of the process of the creation of your personal experience, you can observe the process in real-time as your experience is happening. The more you observe it, the more you will notice the direct correlation between what you are experiencing, and what you believe you know about yourself; what you are thinking; what you are imagining; what you are expecting to happen in your experience.
The more you observe the process in real-time, you will notice that what you are thinking about and imagining might happen (good or bad), will happen with less of a delay between the imagining and the experience. Also, you will realize the process of creation of personal experience has always been happening your whole life, and in the life of all, because it is a fundamental truth – a principle of creation. And now you are awake to it.
You will notice that what you are thinking, imagining, and expecting to happen, will happen - sometimes immediately, sometimes with a delay. Observing the process of the creation of your personal experience directly for yourself is one of the most liberating realizations you can have.
You can ask yourself, "What am I imagining? What am I thinking? What am I expecting?" throughout your day, and you will know and understand how your personal experience is being made. And you will know that there is no world independent of your own mind. Your world IS your mind.
All experiences (good or bad) are made by the same process.
Within the Prism, which is your mind, ask and answer these questions with your highest ideals. The world you are experiencing is a perfect reflection of what is in your mind. Your world IS your mind. Your mind IS your world. Make it beautiful. Make it amazing. Make it reflect the highest ideals you can imagine. What do you want? Imagine the most beautiful experience for yourself and for others, think about it, expect it, and watch it happen.
Who am I? – Right now, who or what do I believe I am?
What do I want? – Right now, what do I want to experience?
What am I imagining? – Right now, what am I imagining?
What am I thinking? – Right now, what am I thinking?
What am I expecting? – Right now, what am I expecting?
You can experiment with these ideas, and observe the process of creation for yourself. Your everyday world of experience will show you, reflecting back to you, the answer to those questions.
When your personal desires are in harmony with those of the universe, and are for the benefit of all, the whole universe will work to fulfill your desires.
Understand the principle of creation, and prove it to yourself consciously and intentionally. If you do so every day for a year, you will have amazing results.